“By appreciation of having a shower, I am referring to the convenience of having my shower stuff readily available for shower taking without having to unpack everything. Without having to figure out what the bathroom situation is going to look like. Without having the mental strain of timing when to take a shower.”

This reminds me of backpacking through India, China and Southeast Asia. I love hostels but there are certain inconveniences!

Travel is great! But there are perks to staying in one place for awhile too. This is why I prefer to live in a new place - to have a home base and travel out from there. I lived in Sweden for a year and China for two years and then took extended adventures. Plus there’s the added benefits of showers, laundry and everything else you mentioned!

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So true! I had same experiences while backpacking for years. One of the reasons I prefered staying in one hostel for weeks at a time versus moving every few days like a lot of backpackers. I love that you've lived in other countries. I have yet to do that as I do need to have some sort of job (part time, seasonal or something) and I haven't figured out how to "job" in other countries. Were you able to work in other countries?

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Staying for a couple weeks at a hostel is also a great experience! Especially since other travellers always like to bond on the road, you can form a little community so quickly.

In Sweden I was on an exchange through the university and then in China I was teaching. I became a teacher so I'd be able to teach abroad because it seemed like the easiest way to be able to find work. I'm not entirely sure how to find work, I know some people are able to do odd jobs (or work under the table), or give surf instruction or something. I guess it takes a little creativity and huge tolerance for risk and adventure!

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Yes teaching, the universal job. I did get a one-year teaching job in Viet Nam but it started in summer 2020 and we all know what happened that year. So no job. lol. I hope you are able to continue utilizing your career for traveling.

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