
The Question: what was your money experience growing up and how have you changed it?

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Thank you for the honesty in sharing all of this!! Good luck with everything, I know you can achieve your goal of paying off debt!

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Thank you so much Maria. It was you giving me the extra push to make it public. 😊

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Hi Patricia!

Loved reading this. I subscribed! Im also on an adventure of getting comfortable talking about money and it’s great to read other people’s stories on the subject.

To your question about the financial dynamics of growing up:

When it comes to finances, my father had the biggest impact on me growing up. He is incredibly opinionated on how money should/should not be used. It bred into me that any perceived irresponsibility with my money was a shameful mark on his own ego, as well as mine.

Sharing stories about debt and spending imperfectly has really helped me heal my own fear that people will think I’m a failure. Turns out I’m not as uniquely bad at money as I thought!

Thanks for sharing; I can’t wait to read the next installment 🩷

You got thissssss (I’m also trying to pay down the balance on a cc that’s ebbed and flowed for years)

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Thanks for subscribing and commenting! We can do this. It's amazing how much of our parents we carry as little voices in our heads. Good luck on your debt paydown. We can be each other's cheerleader .

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I’ve been thinking a lot about this topic.

Money was not often spoken.

I saw my mum get food allowance and spending money, which dad allocated.

She “gave” all her money to dad.

If my mum wanted to do something for us, she would tell us it came out of her spending.

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Ugh, that mentality is passed down through generations. I don't think its the mentality that's 'wrong' its the way people phrase their words to their children. Him/her vs their budget/their household money. Do you know what I mean?

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