This is really cool to see! I admire that you're sharing when finances are usually something we are trained not to talk so openly about.

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Thanks Liz. It is definitely hard to put out there and talk about. I have found it motivating though in doing so.

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I realised I left a comment on the restack, but not here.

Patricia, this series is so inspiring, you are going to help so many people with your transparency!

I can't wait to follow along. xxx

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Thanks Mika. I hope to take some of the stigma out of talking about money. I'm 54 and it still gives me the heebby-geebies. (is that how a person even spells that phrase? lol) You are doing the same with creative growth.

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I am floored by your low expenses! And admire your determination to pay down debt. My husband and I moved to Arizona from Colorado because we discovered we could outlive our retirement savings! Yikes. At 78 and 80 years old, going back to work was not an option for many reasons. We don't call it a budget now...it is our spending plan. Totally different spin but same careful observing of finances. So Patricia, I am following your nomad/van life with great interest. Carry on girl. You are doing so well.

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Spending plan is all yours. I grew up on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan. Your recent park and water pictures brought back memories of wonderful views.

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Thank you for the words of encouragement! They mean a lot. Did I know you were in Arizona? Our paths may have crossed. I like that phrase Spending Plan so much better than budget. It sounds less restrictive and more realistic. Mind if I borrow it?

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RemovedJun 14
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That is true. I'm not brave enough to talk about investments yet. For now, I'll stick to expenses.

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