Hi Patricia,

Thanks for sharing your reflections and travel stories. I'm about to turn 25 and am an aspiring writer, hoping to travel through my writing someday.

Your passage about how your trip to Vietnam helped you connect with your dad really hit home:

"All in all, my trip to Viet Nam opened the door for us to talk gently and generally about his time there. I feel it has allowed him to share little nuggets here and there for which I am eternally grateful."

It's beautiful how travel not only enriches your life but also deepens your family connections. Your experiences inspire me to keep writing and dreaming of my own adventures. Thank you for your honest and heartfelt storytelling.

Lots of Love


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What a beautiful comment! Thank you so much. May your life be filled with travels and stories.

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I lived thru the war in Vietnam. Soldiers were spat on when they returned. I had a friend, David, who asked if he could write me IF I promised not to tell his sisters, who were at college with me, about his sharing details. I KNOW why your father didn't talk about his time in that war. Geesh. Too many details to get into but unlike other wars where American soldiers were considered heroes at home as well as abroad, no one knew why we were in Vietnam losing lives. It was my first insight into the industrial war system. My husband was there as a contractor for the military for several years, right out of college. He speaks about the beauty of the country and how nice the people were. No details about airfields getting blown up and having to build new ones. Very complicated time insurance history. Young men were drafted but those with fathers who had connections didn't have to go. And now Ukraine...another incomprehensible war for USA to be funding. And in and on it goes. Sadly

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ahhh Marylou, thank you for your firsthand insight. I greatly appreciate it. Obviously all my knowledge of that timeperiod comes secondhand and through books (fiction and non-fiction). It is tragic how we treated our returning soldiers. Young men and women who didn't want to be there anyways. They deserved so much more. Its always broke my heart to think about my dad doing through first the war and then the aftermath. So unfair.

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Correction: "insurance" was a mistaken autocorrect. I meant in USA history

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